NUST Institutional Repository

Design And Development Of Digital Driver Panel With Data Logging Capabilities (Gyrocompass, Odometer Speedometer)

Show simple item record SUPERVISOR DR. AQIB PERVAIZ, GC MUHAMMAD SHARJEEL GC HAMZA ILYAS GC HAMZA YAHYA 2024-07-04T05:57:07Z 2024-07-04T05:57:07Z 2024
dc.identifier.other DE-COMP-42
dc.description Supervisor DR. AQIB PERVAIZ en_US
dc.description.abstract The goal of this project is to create a digital driver panel for a tank by incorporating three essential sensors: a speedometer, an odometer, and a gyrocompass. The main goal is to use the ESP32 micro controller to convert the analog signals from these sensors into digital format so that the readings may be shown on a Nextion touchscreen interface. The objective of this transition is to improve operating efficiency and give the tank operator real-time data visibility. A direction sensor gives data with the goal that directional mindfulness can kept up while work. While the speedometer estimates the vehicle’s speed utilizing beat recurrence flags that match the tank’s speed, the odometer estimates the distance the tank has covered. The ESP32 sensor yields are altered by signal molding circuits to empower right taking care of and show of this information. Correction, smoothing the signal are important to give exact information readings. A printed circuit board (PCB) houses all the parts safely and ensures dependability and longevity in the operational environment of the tank. Before the PCB is constructed, the PCB layout is designed using PCB design software. The ESP32 microcontroller is customized utilizing the Arduino IDE, after which it processes the sensor information and communicates it to the Nextion HMI. The Nextion GUI is an instinctive interface that shows continuous sensor information. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher College of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering (CEME), NUST en_US
dc.title Design And Development Of Digital Driver Panel With Data Logging Capabilities (Gyrocompass, Odometer Speedometer) en_US
dc.type Project Report en_US

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