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Usage of Autonomous Weapon Systems (AWS) in Armed Conflict: Military Necessity and Ethical/Legal Implications

Show simple item record Shahid, Dua 2024-08-22T09:19:43Z 2024-08-22T09:19:43Z 2024
dc.identifier.other 400000
dc.description Supervisor: Dr. Ansar Jamil en_US
dc.description.abstract Rapid technological advancement has revolutionized the concept of modern warfare. The deployment of AWS has become a new high for military forces around the globe to get a comparative advantage over an adversary in any combat mission. The purpose of this research is to explain the military necessity and ethical/legal implications of the Autonomous Weapon System (AWS) in an armed conflict. This study adopted the qualitative explanatory approach, whereas the data was collected from structured interviews, official reports, and journals. On the other hand, the two case studies Iran-Israel Missile Exchange and the Russia-Ukraine War have been considered to support the thematic analysis. Moreover, the study utilized two theories (RMA and Kantian Ethics) that provide an understanding of the dual impacts of the usage of AWS in combat missions. However, the study’s findings reveal that the deployment of the AWS ensures military necessity for the forces in an armed conflict based on the tactical and strategic advantages. The deployment of the AWS enhances the overall operational effectiveness and gives forces leverage over their foe. Similarly, the findings further highlighted their various implications. This weapon system poses ethical dilemmas for humanity and legal challenges for the states, especially when it comes to accountability and compliance with IHL. In addition, the key findings of the study are aligned with the hypothesis. Finally, the study sheds light on the need to keep humans in the loop to increase their operational effectiveness and address ethical concerns. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Centre for International Peace and Stability, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) en_US
dc.subject Autonomous Weapon Systems, Semi-autonomous Systems, Military Necessity, Ethical/Legal Implications, International Humanitarian Law, Armed Conflict en_US
dc.title Usage of Autonomous Weapon Systems (AWS) in Armed Conflict: Military Necessity and Ethical/Legal Implications en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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