In this thesis diverse aspects of antenna design and performance, encompassing the evaluation of transmission line technologies and the development of advanced antenna arrays. Initially, a comparative analysis is conducted on straight and bended transmission lines, considering both microstrip line and Ridge Gap Waveguide (RGW) technology. Actual results highlight the enhanced effectiveness of RGW technology.
The subsequent phase of the research entails the design and fabrication of a 1×8 antenna array utilizing RGW technology. Parameter analysis underscores the array's commendable characteristics, featuring a bandwidth of 1 GHz from 9.5 GHz to 10.5 GHz and a peak gain of 13.8 dBi. The investigation extends to an 8×8 antenna array, incorporating a corporate feeding network and demonstrating a peak gain of 21.3 dBi
Significant advancement in beam control is achieved through introducing the three-layer Phase Gradient Surface (PGS), engineered to facilitate beam tilting up to a maximum angle of 450. Two distinct PGS arrangements are presented to enable beam tilting within the H-plane of the 1×8 RGW-based antenna array, featuring tilting angles of 22.50 and 450.
A specialized single-layer PGS is designed to enable precise beam tilting in a 1×8 antenna array. Four distinct phase-shifting arrangements are introduced, affording precise control over beam direction at angles of 70, 190, 300, and 360.
This single-layer PGS was fabricated and its performance was verified through integration with the antenna system. The tilting capability of the PGS was tested, and it was observed that both simulated and fabricated results exhibited consistent beam tilting angles across different phase configurations of the PGS.