Fluid dynamic transport around a body naturally observe unstable flow behind the body
including different patterns of vortical shedding. But simultaneous imposition of rotation to
vortex shedding bluff body results in flow stabilization. Eventually, steady flow behind a bluff
body is obtained by precisely controlling its overall rotation. In this study critical rotational
speeds for two circular cylinders in tandem arrangement are focused for the initiation and
termination of secondary vortices in an unconfined flow. Also, the effect of altering the
cylinders gap ratios and rotation rates over the obtained flow regimes and respective force
coefficients is studied in detail.
Two circular cylinders are subjected to a uniform free stream flow of 100 Reynold
number (ρ𝑈∞D/µ) with varying gap ratios of 1.5, 2 and 4 L/D (center to center) each. At each
angular rotation (ωD/𝑈∞) two modes of rotation are observed, firstly when both the cylinders
are made to rotate in the same direction (anticlockwise rotation in this study), secondly when
upstream cylinder is rotated in anticlockwise direction and downstream cylinder is rotated in
clockwise direction, thus capturing all the possible combinations of two tandem rotating
cylinders. Non-dimensional angular rotations (α) applied to cylinders vary all the way from
stationary to the specific α where the secondary instability subsides.
Multiple flow regimes along with their sub-divisions are outlined for co-rotation and
counter-rotation of two circular cylinders in tandem arrangement depending on the vortical
shed pattern. For co-rotation transitions in flow regimes are noticed from 0 to 6α. Gap ratios of
1.5 L/D and 2 L/D show Solitary Periodic (SP) flow where vortices shed in a periodic manner
at stationary and low α values. But for a higher gap ratio of 4 L/D, alternate co-shedding (AC)
flow is noticed at stationary and low α values where both the cylinders show distinct vortical
shedding. Increasing α transits the flow into steady flow referred as SS-Ⅰ flow regime, where
shear layers shed from the combined system of cylinders in a constant manner. Further
increment in α results in the transition of flow from SS-Ⅰ to secondary unstable state i.e. single
rotating bluff body (SRB) flow. SRB flow is sub-divided into two categories termed as
integrated and segregated SRB flow obtained at low and high gap ratios respectively. Finally
supplementary α causes wrapping of shear layers around the cylinder with overall steady
behavior and thus this flow regime is denoted by SS-Ⅱ flow regime. It is observed that with thex
increase of gap ratio the secondary vortices show delayed transition between distinct flow
regimes along with delayed starting and ending of secondary vortices.
For counter rotation of tandem circular cylinders different gap ratios demonstrate
distinct flow regimes. Gap ratio of 1.5 L/D shows only SP and SS-Ⅰ flow regimes. 2 L/D gap
ratio illustrates development of three distinct sub-divisions of fundamental SP, SS-Ⅰ, SRB, and
SS-Ⅱ flow regimes represented as steady state Ⅰ & Ⅱ (SS-Ⅰ & Ⅱ), secondary unstable - inverted
rotation (SU-IR), and secondary unstable (SU-SS-Ⅱ). Where the upstream and downstream
cylinders show dissimilar shedding of vortices or shear layers. Moreover, the transition of these
flow regimes from one to another is noticed to be at immensely higher α values. 4 L/D gap
ratio demonstrates generic development of AC, SS-Ⅰ, SRB and SS-Ⅱ flow regimes. Except for
the 2 L/D case, simulations of various gap ratios for counter-rotating cylinders demonstrate
that the α range extends up to 6.25α for the complete development of all flow states. Flow
transitions at atypically higher values of 12α are obtained for gap ratio of 2 L/D.
Force coefficients for both co-rotation and counter-rotation of cylinder show an
increase in magnitude with increase of applied α. Co-rotating and counter-rotating, tandem
cylinders show repelling and attractive nature towards each other owing to the rotation derived
presence and absence of stagnation point between both the cylinders respectively. Presence of
vortex shedding pattern in the force plots is traced using standard deviation of force coefficient
(𝜎𝐶𝐿 and 𝜎𝐶𝐷) plots with reference to the mean force coefficient values. In comparison to the
co-rotating cylinder, counter-rotation shows predominant inclination towards stable flow