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Non rigid registration of 3D MR images

Show simple item record Ahmad, Sahar Supervised by Dr. Muhammad Faisal Khan. 2020-10-26T05:33:08Z 2020-10-26T05:33:08Z 2012-06
dc.identifier.other TEE-186
dc.identifier.other MSEE-16
dc.description.abstract With the advent of interventional radiology and modern radiation treatment, the radiological images have found widespread usage in clinical trials and medical research. Therefore the information gained from different images must be properly integrated to aid in diagnosis and treatment. The analysis procedure starts with the geometric alignment or registration of several images which are to be used in treatment and surgical planning. The registration process gets simple with rigid body assumption, but techniques employing this approach have limited applicability. Moreover, it cannot model the organ deformations and other changes in anatomy and pathology. Non-rigid registration is a key enabling technique that can model these locally variant deformations. A non-rigid registration algorithm is proposed here that is automatic, accurate and computationally efficient. This non-rigid registration method is then used to segment the subcortical structures in subject MR image. The results of automatic and manual segmentation were contrasted using positive predictive value, sensitivity and Dice coefficient metrics. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title Non rigid registration of 3D MR images en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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