NUST Institutional Repository

ChatGPT: A Threat or an Opportunity to UG Education and UG Students using SWOT analysis

Show simple item record Idrees, Nimra 2024-12-27T04:53:04Z 2024-12-27T04:53:04Z 2024-12-27
dc.identifier.other 00000364537
dc.description Supervised by Assoc Prof Dr.Yawar Abbas Bangash en_US
dc.description.abstract This mixed method study explores the use of ChatGPT in undergraduate education by SWOT analysis to highlight the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats among students. The study highlights the benefits as well as the concerns raised from the incorporation of AI tools in education. Qualitative literature review helped in iden tifying the advantages and disadvantages of using ChatGPT at undergraduate level. Whereas the quantitative analysis of data collected from students via questionnaires provided insights into students’ perspective of using ChatGPT for education. The questionnaire was designed using the base research paper and was provided to un dergraduate students in different universities of Pakistan. The findings of the study suggested that benefits of using ChatGPT at undergraduate level outweighs its disad vantages. This research aims to fill the gap in existing literature by providing detailed review of ChatGPT’s impact on undergraduate education and undergraduate students. Also, it provides ways to optimize the use of AI tools at undergraduate level. Further the study lays basis for future exploration of AI integration in academics. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MCS en_US
dc.title ChatGPT: A Threat or an Opportunity to UG Education and UG Students using SWOT analysis en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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