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Development of a Robust DIFTSTSMC Controller for Underwater Gliders: Modeling and Performance Optimizations

Show simple item record Hussain, Muhammad Waqar 2025-01-16T10:34:53Z 2025-01-16T10:34:53Z 2025
dc.identifier.other 401064
dc.description Supervisor: Dr. Jawad Arif en_US
dc.description.abstract This thesis presents a first-principle based dynamic model for underwater gliders, capturing key forces like hydrodynamic drag, buoyancy, added mass, and nonlinear couplings. Designing a robust controller for underwater gliders is challenging due to their nonlinear and under-actuated dynamics. This thesis proposes a Double Integral Finite- Time Super-Twisting Sliding Mode Controller (DIFTST-SMC) to achieve precise trajectory tracking and disturbance rejection in the presence of external forces. The study focuses on the longitudinal and vertical-plane dynamics of the glider. The control strategy combines integral sliding mode and super-twisting algorithms to ensure finite-time convergence and minimize chattering. To enhance performance, Red Fox Optimization (RFO) is applied to optimize the controller gains. The proposed approach is validated using simulation data. Results demonstrate improved tracking accuracy and robustness compared to conventional sliding mode control methods, highlighting the effectiveness of the combined control and optimization framework. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)NUST en_US
dc.subject Underwater Gliders; Sliding Mode Control (SMC); Dynamic Modeling; Red Fox Optimization (RFO); Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs); Control System Optimization en_US
dc.title Development of a Robust DIFTSTSMC Controller for Underwater Gliders: Modeling and Performance Optimizations en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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