The tractor manufacturing automotive industry, particularly in under-developed countries like Pakistan, incorporate a conventional method of using discrete weights of up to 1800kg for assuring the quality of the hydraulic distributor that is used in the hydraulic lifting unit of the tractors. These Hydraulic distributors, if tested manually, requires significant human effort for the handling the loads. Moreover, it also exposes the workers to a greater safety hazard since the probability of an accident due to heavy load handling is high. Adding to this, using manual technique for the quality assurance test compromises the accuracy of the test since discrete weight cannot give a continuous output reading. Our project is an industrial solution for the local tractor manufacturing industries based in Pakistan to incorporate the modern technological techniques for simulating the load on the hydraulic distributor for the quality assurance test. The designed testing rig for the hydraulic distributor of FIAT 640 tractors will provide a convenient method to reduce the workload on the workers to a greater margin since the setup can be handled by a single operator. The testing rig has been integrated with user-friendly GUI display to offer more flexibility to the operator while carrying out the test. This project holds a promising future for the tractor manufacturing industry who are motivated to promote the internationally standardized manufacturing and quality testing techniques within the organization to compete at the international market for increasing their exports.