Reversible Data Hiding (RDH) in pictures is a strategy, by which the first cover can losslesslyrestored after the extraction of embedded message. Recently more attention is givento RDH in the encrypted images, since in it original cover image can be losslessly restored.
RDH also protects the image contents confidentiality. The existing RDH techniques obtainsmall payloads or create mark picture with low quality for vast payload and are liable tosome error rates on information extraction and additionally picture restoration. This workfocuses on reserving the room before encryption with a purpose to improve the payloadcapacity and encryption quality.
According to the proposed execution at the content owner side, first the numerous numberof overlapping blocks alongside the row are extracted from image. The amount of blocksdepend on the size of secret data that has to be embed. For each block a capacity is characterizedto quantify its second order smoothness. Higher second order smoothness identifieswith squares which contain generally more intricate surfaces. The substance proprietor, inthis way, chooses the specific square with the most astounding second order smoothness. Aquadratic and fibonacci grouping approach has been embraced to recognize the pixel areasfor appropriated embedding. In a fibonacci scheme a series of pixel numbers are arrangedwhere a new pixel location determined by summation of the two pixel value that was beforeit. The initial value is always either 0 or 1 in the series. Quadratic scheme is a scheme inwhich their is a sequence of pixel values followed by certain pattern. The pixel location isdetermined by this scheme by its pixel values followed by certain pattern.The objective of this research include is an improved scheme of RDH with increased accuracyand enhanced image quality. Encryption is a viable and prominent method for securityassurance. Remembering the ultimate objective to safely impart a mystery message tootherindividual, a substance proprietor may encode the image before transmission. RDH is asystem to install extra message into some distortional message unsuitable cover media, forexample, military or therapeutic images, reversibly so that the first cover image substancecan be consummately reestablished after extraction of the shrouded message.