The ultimate purpose of Cognitive Radios is to achieve best available channel using its
special features re-configurability and cognitive capability. The most challenging task is
to share spectrum along with licensed user devoid of causing harmful obstruction as per
rules & regulations of FCC. Cognitive radio overcomes the shortage of spectrum by
usage of unused or underutilized spectrum band which is termed as white space or
spectrum hole. Cognitive Radios have become popular in recent few years due to its
unique properties.
But on the other hand security of CRNs also matters a lot. Many latest technologies has
been invented in wireless network environment but the issue of security is still there
because of open mode of communication. CRNs suffers all conventional security
threats besides these some new security issues are also there due special
characteristics (re-configurability and cognitive capability) of CRs.
In this research work we have focused to propose a technique based on fuzzy logic for
secure communication of CRNs. There are many existing security algorithms but
proposed algorithms is more robust having less computational complexity. Main
objective of our research is to propose an algorithm for detection of security attack in
infra-structure based CRN, to identify the malicious node which is attacking and to
improve overall performance of network by suppressing the malicious user.