District Kurram is among the seven merged districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and has been in the post-conflict phase since 2017. In the meantime, an immense amount of development potential has been discovered by the security forces and administrative authorities in the Kurram Valley. These potentials can be explored for economic purposes for the region as well as for the country. This is exploratory research, carried out in the context of post-conflict economic development. The study has explored different sectors from which the development potential can be extracted and a sustainable peaceful environment could be created in the Kurram valley, leaving minimum space for conflict recurrence. Interestingly, lacking academic literature came out to be an alarming take out of this research. However, for the case of district Kurram, the development projects have picked up the pace, but still lack financing by the central and provincial administration. This study has successfully explored the economic potentials that are present and have the capacity of being further explored in the Kurram tribal district.