Implementation of virtual table tennis has been carried out through real time video
processing. A realistic three dimensional virtual table tennis has been developed using
existing video processing techniques. A detailed explanation of the various modules
of the design and their implementations is provided.
The game is developed to replace the conventional controllers of the games such as
key board, mouse or joy sticks. The trend is now shifting towards kinect and other
sensor based games in which player is physically involved. To remove the
conventional monotony of the games we have used a real paddle to play. The user
uses a real paddle to play the game.
Our first step was to use a Kinect device that follows movement of hand to play the
game. The kinect based games are widely deployed around the world but in Pakistan,
it is not that common mainly because of the fact that it is very expensive. To cater for
the expense we used an integrated digital camera to map the 3d movements of paddle
in the two dimensional world of computer screen through video processing .Thus,
making a standalone and cost effective table tennis.