In-vivo development of hydrogels and bio-materials is very contemporary issue nowadays, and a lot of literature is available on the advancements and procedures used to effectively decrease in-vivo rejection. Hydrogels are important for drug delivery and in-vivo prosthetic coatings. They are produced in different ratios of two complex polymers, depending upon the need of flexibility, strength, size, pore size and hydrophilicity. Basil seed gum having absorption property has been used for many pharmaceutical applications. CMC and PVA being biocompatible, has been used for wound dressing for a decade. In this project, the composites were synthesized in different ratios and optimized through swelling analysis. PVA/Gum 1:3, CMC/Gum 3:1, CMC/PVA/Gum 3:1:3 were best optimized composites. Hermal seed extract, a renowned natural anti biotic was added to the composites and checked for in-vitro anti-microbial activities using inhibition zone technique. Further analysis on live subjects was done by administration of bacteria in balb/c mice. Topical wound was induced on the back of mice. The composite was introduced to wound site and sewn. Blood sample analyses of pre and post insertion were compared and results were analysed. Introduction of Hermal seed extract composites exponentially decreased the bacterial activity in live samples.