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EVALUATING JOHN PLAYER GOLD LEAF AS BRAND By Ahsan M Khan 2001- NUST- MBA- 106 NUST Institute of Management Sciences National University of Sciences and Technology Rawalpindi, Pakistan 2003

Show simple item record Khan, Ahsan M 2020-12-18T05:37:09Z 2020-12-18T05:37:09Z 2001
dc.description Supervisor: Dr. Zeeshan Qader
dc.description.abstract Branding has been around for centuries as means to distinguish the goods of one producer from those of another. Branding is not marketing. Rather it is an integral part of your marketing strategy. The reason I have chosen this topic is that Brand Management is a new concept in Pakistan. It has been introduced by NMCs few years ago and I find it interesting because not lot of work has been done on this topic, so one can dig out lot of interesting things about local brands. I limit my study because it is not possible to cover all aspects of branding, and trying to focus on the particular but important aspect of branding that is brand equity. It is one of the most popular and potentially important marketing concepts arose in the 1980s. Brand equity occurs when the consumers have a high level of awareness and familiarity with the brand and holds some strong, favorable, and unique brand associations in the memory. Consistency is the key to successfully building and managing brand equity. The other reason I have chosen John Player Gold leaf (JPGL) as a brand for my thesis is that it is Flagship brand of Pakistan Tobacco Company. JPGL is a longstanding single largest brand in the medium segment in the Pakistan, despite being the second most costly mainstream brand in Pakistan (after B&H), JPGL enjoys an 7% market share which is good because almost 80% of the market belongs to low category brands (due to consumers affordability issue). In the Pakistan its success is attributed to consumer perceptions of JPGL being a truly international offer that is produced locally. The main focus of the thesis is on the different aspects in general and inputs of JPGL’s Equity in particular. All this has been done through reviewing the study conducted by PTC for the JPGL. The main areas of equity which has been covered are: Brand standing, Brand loyalty, Perceived Product Quality, 5 Price Value Evaluation, Packaging Evaluation, Evaluation of Advertising, Physical and Emotional Identity of the Brand, Core Equity, and identify the values which are under threat and need to be strengthened and new values that need to be inducted in order to enhance the competitive edge of JPGL. The study also includes the relationship and contribution of JPGL Lights to JPGL Equity. JPGL emerges with a strong, well-defined and cohesive equity in Pakistan. The strong brand standing and the powerful loyalty that it commands is on account of its perceived offer of a consistent, premium quality cigarette. Its offer of status and prestige, in addition to the above make it a part of an international brands set. It evokes nationalistic pride and is viewed as a flagship brand in the country. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher NUST Business School (NBS), NUST en_US
dc.subject Brand-Gold Leaf-Marketing en_US
dc.title EVALUATING JOHN PLAYER GOLD LEAF AS BRAND By Ahsan M Khan 2001- NUST- MBA- 106 NUST Institute of Management Sciences National University of Sciences and Technology Rawalpindi, Pakistan 2003 en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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