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Performance management systems comparative study of Mobilink & Paktel.

Show simple item record Meena, Munawar Khan 2020-12-23T04:46:28Z 2020-12-23T04:46:28Z 2002
dc.description Supervisor: Mr. Naukhez Sarwar
dc.description.abstract Managing employee performance is always critical and most debated upon subject in human resource management An effective performance management system sets new employees up to succeed, so they can help your organization succeed. It provides enough guidance so people understand what is expected of them. It provides enough flexibility and wiggle room so that individual creativity and strengths are nurtured. It provides enough control so that people understand what the organization is trying to accomplish. Sadly, in actual these theoretical guidelines are seldom followed by organizations, and even if followed most of them are not in their entirety but as per the company culture. The need is to understand that performance management is a comprehensive work system that begins when a job is defined as needed. It ends when an employee leaves your organization. Many companies are using the term “performance management” as a substitution for the traditional appraisal system. Same is the case with the two companies under study. Both have result oriented work systems. However none of them have been able to avoid the flaws of the system and it is no more than an annual ritual of appraisal. Both follow result based work systems and the main objective is to mould the performance of the employees towards the result. For that matter, companies should understand that to keep the employees performance aligned to the company mission and vision, they should be satisfied as no one performs, for the organization, however, if his or her own mission and vision are not accomplished as well. However, the basic idea of this research work is to analyze deeply the performance management practices that the organizations follow to manage the performance of their employees, underline the discrepancies in the system and on the basis of these make best possible recommendation to the system. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Mr. Naukhez Sarwar en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher NUST Business School (NBS), NUST en_US
dc.subject Performance management-Mobilink & Paktel en_US
dc.title Performance management systems comparative study of Mobilink & Paktel. en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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