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Educational Continual Professional Development Model for Tertiary Education

Show simple item record Sikandar Awan 2021-01-07T07:12:32Z 2021-01-07T07:12:32Z 2017
dc.description Supervisor: Ms. Aleena Hassan Qureshi en_US
dc.description.abstract Learning Management System or LMS is an advanced e-learning tool which is being used extensively by many universities and educational institutions worldwide. It is an online software program that enables the students to get linked with their courses and its content that the instructors and teachers upload for them. With the advancement in technology e-learning has become highly significant. LMS is getting significant as a learning tool in the education sector. Still there is a way forward, the existing LMS system have their limitations and are not able to work that much efficiently as expected. In this thesis we have conducted a research and tried to evaluate the exact level of penetration and user satisfaction of the existing LMS system. We have also tried to identify the loop holes and short comings of the existing LMS system and tried to devise future framework and a model that will help to over comes these loop holes and increase the effectiveness of the LMS system. No doubt in few coming years we will witness many positive changes and advancement in the LMs systems and it will for sure be able to satisfy us to the greater extent and share of e-learning will increase than other conventional methods of learning in which LMS systems are going to play a significant role. en_US
dc.publisher SEECS, National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad en_US
dc.subject Innovative Technologies in Education en_US
dc.title Educational Continual Professional Development Model for Tertiary Education en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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