Recent years have seen a mammoth increase in traffic volumes in Pakistan. Which has lead to the ever increasing, also unmanageable traffic congestion on roads and traffic jams in almost all the urban intersections during peak hours and even on quit a few, during off peak hours. Traditional techniques have been used to evaluate and to carry out analysis of traffic problems, so far. These techniques besides being costly and time consuming do not present the efficient solution to the problem. There is a dire need to adopt such techniques which will help in the cost effective evaluations of various traffic operations and management strategies including geometry changes, traffic signal timing plan updates and route guidance, etc.
Simulation modeling is an increasingly popular and effective tool for analyzing and evaluating different alternatives/solutions. Most of the simulation models were developed in Europe and US. Model parameters are based upon their local conditions. If we want to use them in Pakistan, then these model parameters should be calibrated and validated according to local traffic conditions.
Although, most of the time in developed and advanced countries, driver behavior have similar algorithm, but when we are comparing these with third world countries it may differ significantly. Hence to use these micro simulation models in Pakistan, we must calibrate and validate these models.
This thesis aims at selecting the micro simulation platform for traffic conditions of Pakistan and to propose and evaluate the general procedure of Calibration and Validation of Microscopic Simulation model for signalized intersections and rural arterials, of Pakistan.