Airfields in Pakistan operate under three agencies i.e. Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), Pakistan Air Force (PAF) and Pakistan Army. These agencies maintain and manage the airfield pavements falling under their respective jurisdiction. In Pakistan, presently airfields pavements are managed on ad-hoc basis without any systematic methodology. This research thesis will elaborate the shortfalls / gaps in our airfield pavement management practices e.g. airfield serviceability report only presents the pavement inventory and gives a slight overview of deterioration trend without specifying the distress type, quantity and intensity for measuring the Pavement Condition Index (PCI), which is a necessity for undertaking pavement management of an airfield. The reconstruction / re-surfacing is prioritized on the need to do / reactive basis rather than performance based. A framework for the step-wise procedure for airfield pavement management system (APMS) has been developed as per internationally recognized standards in detail for subsequent implementation. The framework includes documentation of complete airfield data and its use for effective pavement management including distress survey (distress type, extent and area), the calculation of PCI values and different alternatives for repair / maintenance based on Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA). The case study for an in-service airfield has also been presented with the application of proposed methodology. Finally the implementation necessities are also described for effective pavement management system. The proposed airfield management system for our airfields will not only prioritize the areas for repair / maintenance but also give a cost-effective solution for enhancing the airfield pavement service life.