With the use of technology in classroom, instructors are open to shaping their classrooms innovatively. Different innovative pedagogical approaches have been designed that use technology to help the learning process. Flipped classroom is one such approach that with the help of technology reverses the traditional lectures and homework activities. Students view video lectures at home before the class, and the freed time during the class is used to engage students in peer-to-peer learning. This study first deploys flipped method in classroom environment and then examines its effectiveness. Research indicateds that academic achievement, high attendance, and the ability to complete tasks on time are related to student engagement. Therefore, to validate the effectiveness of this new pedagogical approach, this research examines the relationship between flipped classroom and three dimensions of student engagement: physical, behavioural and emotional engagement. Both qualitative and quantitative results indicate a significant progress in physical and cognitive engagement of students. However, results suggest that flipped classroom do not improve the emotional engagement of students significantly.