Aggregates are the key construction material used in building industry and largest portion of
asphalt concrete. Asphalt pavement is composed of binder and aggregate. In asphalt pavement
94 to 95% is aggregate whereas remaining portion is binder that acts as gluing gent. Therefore,
gradation is an influential characteristic of aggregate that affects the performance of HMA
mixtures like fatigue cracking and permanent deformation. Superpave mix design procedure
was followed in this research and Superpave gradation concept includes control points and
restricted zone. In Superpave method, the gradation is not permissible to pass through the
restricted zone and it was believed that the gradation that compliance with the restricted zone
will produce the mixtures that will easily prone to rutting and not provide good performance.
This research focus on the performance of 19.0mm NMAS Superpave gradation that is passing
above the restricted zone (ARZ), through the restricted zone (TRZ) and below the restricted
zone (BRZ). Superpave volumetric was evaluated for the gradations passing ARZ, TRZ and
BRZ and the results drawn from the analysis by using statistical software Minitab-15 shows
that the gradation passing TRZ shows lowest VMA value followed by ARZ and then BRZ.
Hamburg Wheel Tracker test was conducted to evaluate the consequence of rutting potential
of each gradation at 20,000 passes. The results shows that the gradation that is passing below
the restricted zone was considered as more rut resistant appears to be more rut susceptible as
compare to ARZ and TRZ. The result shows that TRZ has highest resilient modulus followed
by ARZ and BRZ. The MR values decrease with increase in load duration and temperature
because with increase in load duration the accumulated strains in the specimen increases
correspondingly decrease in resilient modulus whereas at higher temperature asphalt becomes
viscous and aggregate contribution more significant. Two level factorial design was done on
ARZ, TRZ and BRZ and the results shows that load duration and temperature individual as
well as two way interaction has significant effect on gradations. The overall performance
evaluation as well as volumetric analysis of ARZ, TRZ and BRZ shows that the gradation that
passed TRZ not only satisfy the volumetric criteria of Superpave but also performs better
followed by the gradation that passed ARZ and BRZ.