dc.description.abstract |
Pakistan is a country with very extensive and varied transportation system.
Globalization, commercial activities at national level and inefficient modes
encouraged Pakistan’s air traffic to register an appreciable increase. Consistent land
development and population increase in twin cities i.e. Islamabad and Rawalpindi,
particularly in the vicinity of existing airport has registered the development of new
airport. The construction of New Islamabad International Airport (NIIA) is in last
stages and its operation is expected in 2016.This significantly very important land
development in the twin cities is expected to effect a major transformation in
the prevalent traffic patterns on the existing transportation infrastructure. Before
the commencement of operations at the new airport, an incisive Traffic Impact
Study (TIS) is deemed essential to highlight the forecasted capacity issues of
existing transportation infrastructure resulting from the enhanced influx of
traffic generated due to the construction of NIIA so as to recommend viable
traffic engineering solutions leading to a comprehensive Transportation
Infrastructure Development Plan (TIDP).
With this perspective in view, this research study was undertaken to carry out the
Traffic Impact Analysis for the development of NIIA. A pragmatic approach and
chronological methodology was followed for the accomplishment of targeted
objectives of this study / project. In first stage, “Impact area” surrounded by trip
generating districts was selected and divided into six traffic analysis zones (TAZs).
Using the standard methodology of Traffic Demand Analysis, (i.e. analysis of
background traffic, trip generation, trip distribution and assignment) and
incorporating the appropriate software (PTV VISTRO, PTV VISSIM, HCS 2000
and HIGHPLAN 2012) and utilization of HCM (Highway Capacity Manual)
formulae guidelines, capacity of selected twelve intersections and eight roadway
sections within the impact area was evaluated keeping in view the following
scenarios: (1) without development of NIIA and without transportation interventions
in year 2016 (i.e., operational analysis of back ground traffic); (2) with development
of NIIA and without transportation interventions in year 2016 (operational
analysis); and (3)with development of NIIA and with transportation interventions
in the horizon year 2030 ( design analysis).
Keeping in view the operational results obtained from foresaid scenarios, optimized
TIDP for a sustainable traffic system is designed and suggested for selected
intersections and roadway sections for the horizon year 2030; such as addition of
extra highway lanes, grade separated lanes on intersections, turning bays and signal
optimization along with the physical intervention of Southern corridor for inter-city
traffic “Rawalpindi bypass”.
The analysis’ results and consequent TIDP proposed in this study can very
effectively be used by important highway agencies to plan future development in the
twin cities and other cities where such new land developments are envisaged. |
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