Evaluating the performance of public transportation systems is deemed essential to
facilitate operational improvement thus improving productivity and efficiency of the system. In
this research, Evaluation of Rwp-Isl Metrobus Service was conducted by using two distinct
approaches. One approach consisted of studying existing performance elements like trip time,
trip length, weekly and hourly variation etc while the other approach was to compare Rwp-Isl
Metrobus Service with international standards such as “BRT Standard 2016”. In the end of this
research, economic analysis was also performed and sustainability of the system was also
assessed and discussed.
It was concluded that the Rwp-Isl Metrobus Service has improved people accessibility
and mobility between the twin cities. Masses have been provided with speedy, cheap, safe, and
quality transport to travel. Overall operational performance of Rwp-Isl Metrobus Service was
found satisfactory. However it requires minor performance and overall quality enhancements to
increase its productivity and utilization. Beside this, the project achieved level of “Bronze BRT”
while comparing it with BRT Standard 2016, which is good as compared to Lahore BRT but
still a long way to go to compete with the BRT systems around the world. In economic analysis,
it was found that at the rate of Rs 20/ trip, Government of Pakistan is bearing losses in millions
per year which has made this project a burden on the economy of country.
In the end, it is recommended that Feeder Bus Service should be introduced in twin cities
to increase ridership of Rwp-Isl Metrobus Service. Furthermore, it was also concluded that the
fare trip should be increased to atleast Rs 31/trip and daily ridership should be increased to
150,000 trips so that slowly and gradually the burden on economy of country can be overcomed.