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Modal Split Estimation of NUST Student Commuters

Show simple item record Muhammad Zaeem Sheikh 2021-02-10T04:57:21Z 2021-02-10T04:57:21Z 2018
dc.description.abstract Transportation is the backbone of infrastructure of any nation. Studying the demand and travel characteristics of commuters assists in the effective planning of transportation systems of a nation. Travel demand modeling is a mathematical relationship between travel demand and traveler and system characteristics. Furthermore, the study of special trip generators within a population is important as their travel choices are different as opposed to the general public. Activity based modeling is an approach which assumes each trip to have maximum utility. Using this approach this paper explains the development of a mode choice model of an urban university in Islamabad, Pakistan, namely National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) considering the attitudinal factors and socioeconomic factors. The required data was acquired by carrying out a Revealed Preference Survey at the project Site. A total of 428 surveys were conducted among students of Undergraduate and Postgraduate level. Mode choice models were developed for Hostelites and Day Scholars to determine the factors affecting it’s selection for commute. It was determined that Walking is the predominant mode of choice among students. Degree Level does not affect travel behavior whereas Study and Home trips are most frequent activities among Day Scholars and Study and Out of NUST are most frequent activities. Hostelites and Female students make more trips than day Scholars and Male students on an average day. Shuttle Service within NUST is provided, but students tend to not use it. It may be attributed to 76.8% of the respondents believing that shuttle service has not improved in NUST or have not used it at all. NUST Van is the other mode most utilized by students living out of NUST. Policy implications and further research is also discussed. Keywords: Transportation Planning, Econometric Modeling, Mode Choice, Travel Behaviour en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher NICE SCEE, National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad en_US
dc.title Modal Split Estimation of NUST Student Commuters en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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