Road traffic accidents (RTAs) are not only very common but having a great concern in developing nations. In Pakistan, accidents are getting worse with every passing day. Generally, there is always a hot debate concerning an increase in population and traffic in comparison to infrastructure development in transportation professional circles. Previous studies have focused Lahore city because of being densely populated provincial capital having metropolitan characteristics. In this study, we have coded RTAs in outskirts of major busiest roads of Kasur District linked with Lahore city. The data comprised of 5 years dataset of Rescue 1122 available to us between years 2014 to 2018. Black spot has assisted using ArcGIS tool in identifying critical locations that further pursue to propose mitigation measures. Our analysis has revealed that the over speeding was top main reason of injury crashes involving mostly motorcyclists and pedestrians particularly on a section of Multan Road and Ferozepur Road. We have determined financial impact considering base scenario if conditions remain persistent till year 2023 using forecasting model. Our study indicates that the research approach based mitigation strategies would not only be beneficial in significant reduction of accidents occurrences rather also be proven as fruitful in utilization of funds in most appropriate way which would be beneficial to country’s economy and people wellbeing at large.