Natural aggregates are major part of any civil construction work. In Pakistan, production of aggregate is largely done by quarrying rocks and then crushed them into required sizes for using in any type of construction. Azad Kashmir is home to a variety of aggregate sources, but no thorough and scientific investigation has yet been conducted to determine their suitability as Potential Road materials according to international standards.
There are major quarrying activities happening at Kamasar Limestone/Dolomite rock quarry, where 23 beater crushers are in operation each producing 1000 cubic meters per day. The purpose of this research is to see the performance of Kamasar quarries as potential aggregates for pavement construction. For this purpose, the Kamasar aggregate sample were gathered from quarry in accordance with ASTM sampling procedure and properties are evaluated and compared with the Margalla aggregates which are most extensively use in pavement construction. The aggregate properties like specific gravity, water absorption, los angles abrasion, soundness, shape, crushing value, fractured particle and impact value conform to the required pavement standards. HMA specimens were also prepared using the above-mentioned aggregates and tested for their Rutting susceptibility and moisture sensitivity. Test results revealed that the aggregates from evaluated quarry are suitable to be used in HMA. Moreover, a cost comparison analysis shows Kamasar aggregate is economical as compared to aggregate borrowed from Margallah. By using local aggregate as a construction material in any area eventually lessen the overall cost of the project and it can also bring a significant change in the socioeconomic well-being of the people here.