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Impact of BRT on Local Traffic Flows in Urban Area: A Case Study of BRT Peshawar

Show simple item record Shuja, Alishba 2022-04-18T08:48:29Z 2022-04-18T08:48:29Z 2021
dc.description.abstract The Grand Trunk Road (Known as N-5) Peshawar is the busiest route of Peshawar city when millions of people rush for their daily life activities for almost the whole day. The users face serious issues in terms of travel time, congestion, and pollution. These problems are due to a lack of key measures necessary to be taken in the respected zone. The area is highly congested with uncontrolled ramps, unsignalized intersections, and the road is limited to just two lanes in most areas. Continued traffic jams and large conflict areas have caused serious congestion issues in the area. This research aims to model the complex road network and respective heterogeneous traffic to analyze the traffic conditions and propose alternate solutions. This focuses on the simulation method for analyzing the traffic under the most diverse conditions. For road network model buildup, PTV VISSIM software is used which provides excellent analysis techniques for simulation evaluation and recommends the best possible and economic measures for improvement. When it comes to PCU estimation in Pakistan especially Peshawar, it can be seen very little work has been done for PCU studies for heterogeneous traffic streams. This research provided a thorough review on the estimation of Passenger car Unit (PCU) values for various sections using Chandra’s method and for calculating PCUs at various traffic percentages of individual vehicles under heterogeneous traffic conditions. The current study carried out was to find which section study site have deteriorating serviceability in terms of mobility especially after the construction of the new BRT Route throughout the study facility and BRT Stations. and thus, classifying it on basis of the level of service criteria provided by Highway capacity manual table en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher NUST en_US
dc.subject Microscopic Traffic Simulation, Heterogenous traffic, VISSIM, LOS, PCUs en_US
dc.title Impact of BRT on Local Traffic Flows in Urban Area: A Case Study of BRT Peshawar en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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