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Application of AR for Improving Spatial Thinking Skills in Primary Level Mathematics

Show simple item record Afzal, Tashfa 2022-07-18T10:10:20Z 2022-07-18T10:10:20Z 2022
dc.description.abstract Spatial thinking is an ability to mentally visualize and manipulate 3D objects, identify patterns, and to describe relationships among objects in a setting. These skills are highly predictive for success in engineering, architecture, graphic design, computer science, and other fields of education. In our education system at school’s level teachers do not focus on development of above-mentioned skills. Which pass on to the next cadre and even reflected in the professional life of students. Most research on spatial thinking we found is at undergraduate level or primary level. There is need to work on adolescents of middle school, who are at stage of learning and manipulating abstract concepts. In this study, we developed and evaluate a spatial thinking learning application based on AR technology. Unity3D with AR foundation libraries are used to develop the application. The augmented and immersive characteristics of AR technology helped adolescents (12-13 years) to visualize objects in three dimensions and to make inferences about them. This experience provided them opportunity to actively practice spatial constructs, enhance their spatial reasoning skills, and boost their self-efficacy to use these skills. One group pre and posttest pre-experimental research design was followed. Statistically significant results obtained from comparison of pre and post surveys, also improving performance in graphs of in-app calculations provide the evidence of learning. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Dr. Tahira Anwar Lashari en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher SEECS-School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science NUST Islamabad en_US
dc.subject Spatial thinking skills, AR, Augmented Reality, Self-efficacy, Skill acquisition en_US
dc.title Application of AR for Improving Spatial Thinking Skills in Primary Level Mathematics en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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