A traffic impact analysis is a method to evaluate whether the transportation
infrastructure is enough now or in the future to handle more trips brought on by a
proposed construction, redevelopment, or land rezoning. In this study, the impact of
current traffic volume and traffic volume being generated by new housing societies
on the existing road network concerning development years is analyzed. The analysis
is done on the road network with do-nothing, do-minimum and do-something
scenarios. The analysis is based upon some parameters: travel time, the value of
travel time and vehicle operating cost. For the calculation of these parameters, the
HCM method, HDM-4 Model used in NTRC Study, Hepburn Model and Synchro
software are used. Traffic Impact is analyzed as a difference in monetary terms of
these parameters due to differences in traffic volume due to different years of
development, increase or decrease in travel time and variation in vehicle operating
cost as well as due to different scenarios development.