The relationship between a leader and follower in any organization plays a key role in
defining the work environment. The concept of Abusive supervision and its effects on
organizational culture have drastically taken up pace around the globe. If there is abusive
supervision, it will lead to both Employee Cynicism and Relationship Conflict within an
organization. A general positive view of the world caters to low cynicism and a negative
view relates to a high level of cynicism. This particular study focuses on how abusive
supervision can cause Employee Cynicism along with Relationship Conflict. The study
has opted for a quantitative approach where data is collected through self-administered
questionnaires. Data has been collected from employees in the banking sector of Pakistan.
The main contribution of this study is that abusive supervision tends to affect an
organization in more ways that can be generally perceived; by showing that abusive
supervision causes both employee cynicism and relationship conflict. Any abuse to an
employee, in any form is something that can be viewed to induce various negative impacts
within an organization and hence, it has become increasingly important that abusive
supervision is taken into consideration and is eventually reduced so that the employees and
organization can live up to their true potential in order to achieve its goals and objectives