NUST Institutional Repository

Telenor Markets - Business & Revenue growth via Contextualized Offers , Promotions & Marketing

Show simple item record Kamal, Fahad Ahmed 2023-08-08T05:01:04Z 2023-08-08T05:01:04Z 2017
dc.identifier.other 204665
dc.description Ms. Sadaf Taimoor en_US
dc.description.abstract The objective of every business is to make profits and as the global market evolves into an increasingly competitive marketplace, profits are increasingly difficult to make. Businesses must concentrate on finding new options and new streams for earning money, making revenue and profits for the shareholders. Due to the growth in Data usage and awareness of people towards the usage of social media , the market is moving towards data ( 3g/4g ) and SMS / call means of communication are somewhat becoming legacy , as a result of this Telecom companies need to evolve and find a new avenue or dimension of growth and profits , which is contextualization which goes by contextualized offer and advertisement pushing to customers on the bases of their historical preferences. Telenor currently has 44million customers as per the stats from Aug 2019 and Telenor earned revenue of approximately 150 Billion PKR in 2018.1i This project’s aim is to focus on new avenue of growth for Telco’s specifically Telenor Pakistan. Due to extensive data growth and public awareness there is a huge potential in this area as the revenue which can be earned from this side is business can contribute to a minimum of up to 5% add- on to currently earned revenue. Moreover, the companies which are using Telco medium for promoting their products can be charged as well or they an also work on revenue sharing mode. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher NUST Business School (NBS), NUST en_US
dc.title Telenor Markets - Business & Revenue growth via Contextualized Offers , Promotions & Marketing en_US
dc.type Project Report en_US

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