I want to express my sincere thanks to the Research Directorate at NUST for giving us the
chance to take part in research. I really appreciate the opportunity to work with my supervisor,
an expert in Human Resource Management. His wise advice and constant support were very
significant for timely completion of my research. I wish to extend my sincere acknowledgment
to the distinguished members of the Graduate Executive Committee member, whose insightful
inputs and scholarly guidance have been pivotal in shaping the trajectory of this thesis. Their
expertise has undoubtedly enriched this research.
I understand that achievements like this are never accomplished alone. So, I'm very thankful to
my family for always supporting and believing in my goals. Their constant encouragement has
motivated me greatly. Lastly, I want to thank everyone who has been a part of this journey.
Your support and encouragement have been the foundation of this achievement that we've
accomplished together.