Teaching and learning through games is an interesting and innovative method in
education. The young age groups of population spend thousands of hours in playing games
and it has been proved that this activity improves their cognitive skills. The rising interest in
games as a tool of teaching & learning has led to the development of many serious games.
Simulation games not only provide the player with the real scenarios at a low cost but also
provide an opportunity to experiment which is an integral part of learning for students.
Traditionally business has been taught through books and examples but has never been taught
through simulation games wherein students would be able to make real life decisions and
check the impact of their choices. The purpose of our study is to understand the impact of
business simulation game as a tool of learning. Business is a complex subject and requires
knowledge on a range of concepts such as managing finance, knowledge of market,
marketing tools etc. To teach all of these concepts in an integrated environment is a
challenging task. The best way to teach this subject is by taking help from the technological
advances and creating an environment where all of these concepts can be taught and tested at
the same time. Adopting the path of simulation games is not only inexpensive but also
beneficial for a larger audience in the longer run. Our goal is to investigate the student’s level
of understanding of business that this simulation helps in providing to secondary school