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Performance Management in DHA Islamabad after Expansion

Show simple item record Saleem, Moeez 2023-10-20T09:45:33Z 2023-10-20T09:45:33Z 2023
dc.identifier.other 274091
dc.description Supervisor: Dr. Zeeshan Mirza en_US
dc.description.abstract Defence Housing Authority (DHA) Islamabad-Rawalpindi, a real estate development organization that has emerged as a pioneer in the twin cities. Since its establishment in 1998, the DHA has undergone significant expansion, with seven phases already developed and plans for further expansion (2 x new phases) in the near future. This growth has led to an increase in employment opportunities, with nearly 1000 new employees hired in the last year alone, bringing the total to approximately 4200 employees. Despite this expansion, the HR mechanisms at DHA Islamabad-Rawalpindi have remained largely unchanged since its establishment, which has led to a general lack of direction in HRM practices. The primary instrument used for performance management is the annual confidential report (ACR) and the employee of the year awards. While these mechanisms have served the organization well in the past, the changing nature of work, the increased emphasis on performance-based outcomes, and the dynamic nature of the real estate industry require a more systematic approach to HRM practices. To improve the HR mechanisms at DHA Islamabad-Rawalpindi, this business project aims to investigate the existing performance management procedures and identify areas for improvement. Specifically, the study will focus on five designated positions and suggest key performance indicators (KPIs) based on their job descriptions, as well as rewards and incentives for employees. By suggesting improvements in the HR mechanisms, the business project aims to increase employee performance and contribute to the organization's overall success. This study is significant because it addresses a critical issue facing DHA Islamabad-Rawalpindi and other real estate development organizations. In the highly competitive real estate industry, organizations must continuously improve their HRM practices to attract and retain top talent, and ultimately, succeed in the market. The background of this study highlights the growth and expansion of DHA Islamabad-Rawalpindi, and the need to improve its HR mechanisms to align with the changing needs of the organization and the industry. The subsequent parts of this project will delve deeper into the literature review, research methodology, results, conclusion and recommendations. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher NUST Business School (NBS), NUST en_US
dc.title Performance Management in DHA Islamabad after Expansion en_US
dc.type Project Report en_US

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