Autoimmune diseases are diverse conditions with complicated pathologies that show
heterogeneity at the cellular level, affecting people of all ages with unidentified trigger
factors associated with their development. The autoimmune diseases spread in various
organs which pose challenges for diagnosis and treatment. However, more research is
necessary, particularly at the cellular level, to identify the primary underlying cause and
treat autoimmune diseases. Understanding the fundamental molecular mechanisms of
autoimmune is the main problem at hand, with an emphasis on cellular heterogene
ity, cell type identification, and gene regulatory dynamics among different autoimmune
diseases. Single-cell RNA sequencing is an intriguing technique that has recently trans
formed the science of genomics by making it possible to examine single-cell patterns of
gene expression. The Single-cell RNA analysis is performed on healthy and diseased
samples of juvenile idiopathic arthritis, immune thrombocytopenia, and inflammatory
demyelinating disease of the autoimmune system. The analysis provided insightful in
formation about cellular heterogeneity at the single-cell level. In the case of juvenile
idiopathic arthritis CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells are present in greater abundance.
In immune thrombocytopenia, the most prominent cell abundance are B cells, dendritic
cells, and HSCs followed by erythroid cells. PBMC sample of inflammatory demyelinat
ing disease has a greater abundance of B cells, CD8+ T cells, CD4+ T cells, NK cells,
and monocytes while, in the CSF sample CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, and monocytes
are present in abundance. In the comparison of all diseases at the single-cell level,
the common cell clusters are B cells, basophils, CD4+T cells, CD8+T cells, dendritic
cells, granulocytes, monocytes, and NK cells. Along with enhanced biological pathways
and functional categories connected to those genes, DGE and enrichment analyses also
shed light on the frequency of gene expression within various cell populations. Cell-cell
communication provides interaction strength within the cell and also with the environ
ment. Moreover, based on recognized cell types, machine-learning classification models
are constructed to differentiate between different diseases. The accuracy of the XG
Boost model is 89%, which is better than the accuracy of the Random Forest, which
is 83%. Both models predict the same labels with high count values. These results
greatly advance our knowledge of the complex molecular mechanisms behind several
autoimmune diseases. In the Future, include specialized and efficient therapies, which
will eventually improve the lives of those suffering from these diseases.