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Fabrication and Characterization of Boron Nitride Nano Sheets (BN-NS) Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composites for Aerospace Applications

Show simple item record Pirzada, Abdullah Qasim, Ibrahim Raziq, Abdul 2020-11-04T10:36:09Z 2020-11-04T10:36:09Z 2020
dc.description Dr. Malik Adeel Umer en_US
dc.description.abstract The aerospace industry is desirous to develop materials with enhanced flexural, specific and compression strength. With modernization of mankind and increase in research with leaps and bounds has enhanced the existing materials to their maximum capabilities. Advancement in technology has necessitated manufacture of new materials streets ahead of existing materials. The desire of better properties resulted in development of immense number of methodologies for constructing new materials out of which metal matrix composites are of great significance because of their high strength and ease of tailor ability depending on required application. Often conventional aluminum alloys are mostly used in aerospace industry and are on the ball compared to other alloys. This major capture of industry is because of their high strength, low weight and cost effectiveness along with ease of recycling. Since the aluminum alloys are already playing dominant role in aerospace industry so our research is counter-stoned on development of Al-2024 based matrix composite resulting in properties optimal for aerospace structural material.. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher SCME, NUST, Islamabad en_US
dc.title Fabrication and Characterization of Boron Nitride Nano Sheets (BN-NS) Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composites for Aerospace Applications en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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